Why You Should Switch To Coconut Biomaterial Today!


Earth is what we all have in common! The biggest threat to it is our belief that someone else will save it!
We share this planet with animals. And the biggest threat to animals is that nobody will save them!

So, what should we do?

Well, we should naturally begin to make choices that favour the environment as well as the animals.
‘Go Green’ and ‘Go Vegan’ were campaign slogans, built to undoubtedly help consumers make better choices and help save the planet and its life.! And it is of utmost significance that we enhance our understanding of what exactly is Green and what is Vegan!

So, let’s clarify some facts: -
There is no such thing as Vegan Leather! There are, however, Vegan Biomaterials!

Leather, by definition, is anything made from the skin of an animal by tanning or a similar process. The Vegan leather known in the fashion circuits globally is nothing but polyurethane (PU), belonging to the family of plastics! It may typically appear like leather but is extremely harmful to the environment.Conversely, Vegan Biomaterial is made from innovative and sustainable materials such as coconut, cactus leaves, pineapple leaves, cork, apple peels, other fruit waste, etc.

Coconut biomaterial, made by Malai, based out of Kerela

Coconut Bio-composite material is a newly developed material made from entirely organic and sustainable bacterial cellulose, grown on agricultural waste sourced from the coconut industry in Southern India.

So why should you switch to Coconut biomaterial?
1. Flexible & Durable
Coconut biomaterial is a flexible and durable material comparable to leather or paper.
2. Perfect For Regular Use
It is water-resistant so suitable for regular use.
3. Completely Natural
It is incredibly safe and healthy and will not cause any allergies, intolerances, or illness as it contains absolutely no artificial ‘nasties’
4. Completely Vegan
It is made from entirely organic and sustainable materials.
5. Safe Disposal
Compared to leather which when discarded, take years to decompose leaving a toxic soil behind, Coconut biomaterial when discarded will naturally break down within 3 months with no toxic remains.

A product made from Coconut biomaterial will last 4-8 years if properly cared for, however, should you wish to have a clear-out, it can simply be placed in with your compostable rubbish and it will naturally break down!!

With Waraq’s Rubia Collection, made from Coconut biomaterial, you are using aproduct, made from recycled materials, you are refusing to wear an animal and you are helping the environment. 




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